Lesson 1A
This is very much the same as your professional life. Ask your self the same question. "Would I like to be somewhere else with someone else, or no one else?". Using "IF/THEN" logic, gander down one line for advice. If you answered your own question with a resounding "YES". I offer you 4 possible solutions.
Solution A: Run, it doesn't matter what direction, pack a bag and run.
Solution B: Walk aimlessly torwards the door and run, screw the bag, get what you need on the open road.
Solution C: Come up with something on the spot about having to rotate the tires on the cow, smile a "...You'll See" kinda smile...and leave the other person wondering, while you break tread on your Nike's running to the nearest available Greyhound Station.
Solution D: Stay right where you are and continue to be wrong, kicking yourelf about being wrong.
Las palabras para explicar a un Tío bebido Munchy:
El tío Munchy es malo a mí. El siempre grita en mí. El no quiere el hecho que soy un planificador y él no es. No hay nada que puedo hacer para hacer Tío Munchy feliz
Horribly Translated Spanglish:
The words to explain a drunk Uncle Munchy: The Munchy uncle is bad to me. Always he shouts in me. He does not want the fact that I am a planner and it is not. There is nothing I can make to make happy Munchy Uncle
A Spanish to English to German Translation:
Die Wörter, zum eines betrunkenen Onkels Munchy zu erklären: Der Munchy Onkel ist zu mir schlecht. Immer schreit er in mir. Er wünscht nicht die Tatsache, daß ich ein Planer bin und sie nicht ist. Es gibt nichts, das ich bilden kann, um glücklichen Munchy Onkel zu bilden
Someone loves you...and its ME!
MUAH...mmm tasty
Yeah...Keep kicking yourself for being wrong. It adds another demension to your feigning mastery.
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