No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express...

I called my sister after about 7 years to wish her a happy birthday and as things go, the conversation boils down to niceties and idle chit chat:
Me: So how are things?
Her:Good, things are good.
Me: Your husband doing well, everything going good?
Her:Yeah, he's laying down he just got home from work.
(It's 11 am and I am thinking oh he must work 3rd shift
I haven't spoken with her in some time so I really know nothing
of her day to day.)
I haven't spoken with her in some time so I really know nothing
of her day to day.)
Me: Oh working the late shift huh?
Her: Yes, he has been going in at 2 am, it being the holidays and all.
Me: Wow 2 am thats rough...what does he do?
Her: Yes, he has been going in at 2 am, it being the holidays and all.
Me: Wow 2 am thats rough...what does he do?
Her: He works for UPS loading the trucks?
Me: Ouch...but I suppose if you get used to it, it might not be so ba..
Her:Yeah, then when he gets home at 11 am he lays down until 2 and has to be back to work at 3pm.
Me: He goes BACK to UPS at 3pm to load more trucks?!?!
Her: Oh no...this is for his other job.
Me: His OTHER job?
Me: Ouch...but I suppose if you get used to it, it might not be so ba..
Her:Yeah, then when he gets home at 11 am he lays down until 2 and has to be back to work at 3pm.
Me: He goes BACK to UPS at 3pm to load more trucks?!?!
Her: Oh no...this is for his other job.
Me: His OTHER job?
oh..well people have second p/t jobs right..making ends meet...
Her: Ya, he works there until Midnight, and he gets home at 1 amAt this point I am in awe of what is being said not really believing
Her: Yeah.
what is going on, I am thinking "wow things must really be rough".
And I start nervously/hysterically laughing... all the while looking for some
fault in her story, surely this can't be true.
And I start nervously/hysterically laughing... all the while looking for some
fault in her story, surely this can't be true.
Her: Yeah.
ME: SERIOUSLY... So he works from 2 am until 10 am...comes home lays down from 11 am to 2 pm, then turns around and goes to a 2nd job from 3 pm until Midnight?!!?
Her: Yeah.
ME: SERIOUSLY... So he works from 2 am until 10 am...comes home lays down from 11 am to 2 pm, then turns around and goes to a 2nd job from 3 pm until Midnight?!!?
Her: (Not even batting an eyelash) Yep.
Me: Really??!? This is because of the Holidays right? The fact that he is going in 2 am? Just to get some extra holiday cash?
Her: Yep, The UPS is extra busy with all the Christmas stuff going on... NORMALLY he goes to work at 3 Am.
Me: Really??!? This is because of the Holidays right? The fact that he is going in 2 am? Just to get some extra holiday cash?
Her: Yep, The UPS is extra busy with all the Christmas stuff going on... NORMALLY he goes to work at 3 Am.
Her: Yeah.
I repeat what I had just transpired, just to mentally pinch myself.
And between nervous disbelieving laughter I keep repeating
"are you serious?"
Me: Holy he gets MAYBE...MAYBE..3 hours of sleep a "Day"? *whatever that would mean to someone pulling these kind of hours.
Her: Yeah.
Me: (in a last ditch effort to make any rational sense) Well this is just temporary right? After the holidays he'll go back to just regular hours, night shift or otherwise?
Her: Oh no, this is his regular day.
Me: How long has he needed to work the 2 jobs a few months now?
Her: 9 years.
Me: ( loosing my shit) 9 YEARS!!!!!
Are you fucking serious?? Come on, you're fucking kidding me 9 years? He's been working 2 full time jobs for 9 years?!?!? Surely after almost 10 years at UPS he could apply for a management position and lose the 2nd job?
Her: oh no, he doesn't want to do that.
Me: Why not?!?
Her: Because, he wants to start going to school.
And between nervous disbelieving laughter I keep repeating
"are you serious?"
Me: Holy he gets MAYBE...MAYBE..3 hours of sleep a "Day"? *whatever that would mean to someone pulling these kind of hours.
Her: Yeah.
Me: (in a last ditch effort to make any rational sense) Well this is just temporary right? After the holidays he'll go back to just regular hours, night shift or otherwise?
Her: Oh no, this is his regular day.
Me: How long has he needed to work the 2 jobs a few months now?
Her: 9 years.
Me: ( loosing my shit) 9 YEARS!!!!!
Are you fucking serious?? Come on, you're fucking kidding me 9 years? He's been working 2 full time jobs for 9 years?!?!? Surely after almost 10 years at UPS he could apply for a management position and lose the 2nd job?
Her: oh no, he doesn't want to do that.
Me: Why not?!?
Her: Because, he wants to start going to school.
I am now in total hysterics and only able to get
a single word out.
a single word out.
Me: When?
I laughed until it hurt, then I cried a little.
Then I laughed some more and had some incontinence issues but I'm not sure that's related.
Keep on keepin' on.
Merry xmas, peach tree
good fucking lord!!!
I don't sleep but that sounds impossible to even Me!
please tell me this is a joke or something.
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