Ok...so I did start the fire...
If you're in the know..then you're in the know...here's a picture of someone when not in the know:

Was it a down low dirty trick to "suggest" to my brother's girlfriend that she should trick her soon to be naval officer new life full steam ahead old life behind him boyfriend that she was pregnant, and do it in such a manner as to have everyone including his parents and all his best friends be willing participants and that she was going to do this on Christmas morning by presenting him with a WORLD'S BEST DAD bib and multiple colored booties, and both watch and photograph the blood run from his face and the worst case scenarios simultaneously transpire in his head... all because he decided to fill my house with extremely loud and annoying battery operated flashing lights and siren screaming plastic gifts for my 4 year old... Maybe.
Am I looking forward to the retaliation? Absolutely.

Was it a down low dirty trick to "suggest" to my brother's girlfriend that she should trick her soon to be naval officer new life full steam ahead old life behind him boyfriend that she was pregnant, and do it in such a manner as to have everyone including his parents and all his best friends be willing participants and that she was going to do this on Christmas morning by presenting him with a WORLD'S BEST DAD bib and multiple colored booties, and both watch and photograph the blood run from his face and the worst case scenarios simultaneously transpire in his head... all because he decided to fill my house with extremely loud and annoying battery operated flashing lights and siren screaming plastic gifts for my 4 year old... Maybe.
Am I looking forward to the retaliation? Absolutely.
Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म from the root kṛ, "to do") means action or activity. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Individuals go through certain processes and accompanying experiences throughout their lives which they have chosen, and those would be based on the results of their own creations.The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others.
A picture might be worth a thousand words, but I can tell you from experience that the related video is worth more than those contained in the entire bible.
I like the way you think!
Happy New Year!
Best. Post. Ever.
since you haven't posted in about a week and a half, I'm assuming your brother found out you put his g/f up to this and killed you. RIP, Dagince.
funny son, funny!
Happy new year, my friend
- B of BK Lounge
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