Theres a fungus among us

Well I WAS gonna mention the state of the world according to the current economical status of a CERTIAN cleaner version of the USA..but nooooo somebody had to leak the story...Thanks for ruining the party DRNKNSMK!!!
You're prolly in league with Johnny AINT YA!! Moles everywhere!!
I see your game you rouge!
What's the song in that latest "caveman" commercial? It sounds like a little Brit pop ditty. I dig it.
Btw, you might want to consider switching to decaf.
You are like a magnet for maniacs, not just regular nuts, no I mean the type of uptight ineffectual crackpots with no sense of humor or appreciation for the natural human pre-occupation of self expression. Well that or the completely nialistic,borderline psychotic, bipolar manic nutcases, who often drink to much. Yeah I would say that about sums us all up. Ah how amusing this tea party is.
I don't think coffee is what this guy is taking. I think it's more in the range of crack or coke.
Hey, maybe you could write a nice blog on the airspeed of a swallow at 300 ft.
Or maybe a blog on why one should vote in the next election.
Or maybe something on why music today is just rotting our minds and how we should go back to some nice old school music!!
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