Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It’s a bird, it’s a plane.. it’s the side of a Tampax box…

While using this product you can still enjoy all your favorite activities:
A round of golf, a lazy day of fishing, bowling a perfect 300…having your ass kicked by Jackie Chan?

Normally I am anti-product endorsement, brand marketing, brand stretching, and logo enforcement,so much so that I make every effort not to expose any labels on my clothes... and in a sense when it comes to the XaviX I still am, HOWEVER, one of the systems expansion pacts actually includes: a scales and has a body health monitoring.

And when it comes the obese American public; if anything can get us motivated to get up and do anything it’s an electronic thing that plugs in and makes a whirring noise (G.C.), we don't fully understand and will most likely start an instafad cyberyoga club...I hate people.

So outside my better judgment check this out: X

At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man this is great. I can plug in my electronic ab toner, my whisper quiet electric boots, and sit my fat ass down on my Xavix electronic scale as I box my way to fabulousness. Hell I don't even know what to say, won't someone please forget the whole nuclear arms race, and just build a fucking huge EMP and blow up all back to the days of the Amish(no offense to all y'all Amish out there, no seriously, respect my Amish thugs, horse riddin, yeah)

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Beakerz said...

as a guy, I'm not sure I'm qualified to speak on the comfort or what-have-you of this product.

All I know is they need a product that does away with the bitchness that comes with the necessity of a product such as this

At 9:46 AM, Blogger honeykbee said...

Unlike some people, *I* clicked the link. Thorough reading and following of directions must also be a side efect of the aforementioned condition.

Anyway, when they come out with Pong, let me know. Till then, I'd prefer to do my bass fishing not so much indoors but, you know, not at all.

At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pass over a bowl of chili flavored corn chips right now, but regardless, I also admit that whole gaming experience or virtual head space never did it for me. Nothin to do with food though. I'm sure of that.


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