"Everybody wants to be Rich"

I mostly have people sending in their comments in response to what I have posted most good some just plain weird.
But it is not without pride that I post the picture above:
They (the tattooee) has asked for your help.
They would like to know what you think should be crested above the image.
A word or phrase. He is looking for your input because he respects your ideas and comments... He didn't specify a language so I think its wide open...Send in your best and if its up to snuff he'll have your thought posted in ink... in flesh..for the whole wide interweb to see..
So fire away, and feel free to enter as many time as you would like. The contest closes when I get a picture back with your phrase needled into his skin. Good Luck
"Crested above the image." What a way with words you have mi hermano. Gracias tu.
मोक्ष - moksha
It means liberation, freedom, transcendence of physical limitation.
samsarahipster libre is definitely forefront in mind. The tat is a portrait of my two conures (miniature parrots) and the symbol itself is Peruvian. Much obliged.
anonymous BOOT ?
appears to be just enough room for "I <3 HKBEE".
People constantly wanna know what mine means. I tell them all kinds of shit
b I went with "libre" after all and I'm diggin it. I've already got my explanation ready for the terminally clueless. It's gerbil spelled backwards but the guy miscalculated and ran out of space. Oh well, everything can't work out.
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