The fingers you've used to dial are to fat...

I watched a show the other day and it dealt with the morbidily obese, Now Im talking these people were HUUUUUUUGE 8 and 9 hundred pounders that lived for years....YEARS in bed with the only thing moving was their mouths and colons...Please dont get me wrong some of my best friends in the world are larger than life, but not this kind of big that the fluids dont even bother making it all the way to....well wherevfuckever it is that fluids go, to do what they do..the fluids in these people dont bother to go just leaks out of the skin onto the bed, onto and INTO the beds that somehow have gained the magical capacity to hold the weight...I looked, there are beds that are special made for the obese they START at a 250lb crush weight..START at 250...these are specialy made beds..not the beds that are supporting these people, the beds that hold half ton persons are normal beds that somehow have not buckled under the stress..and another thing...what number potato chip or hotwing or ring ding was it that did these people in? you think it was one random tuesday morning where the person swallowed a snack in bed and ALL OF A SUDDEN Couldnt get up or just decided not to? It's not like an aligator attacking where you might not see it happen...people don't lose the ability to move due to weight gain in a matter of moments. I dont even know why I am mentioning this...I just wanted to put it on record that there are really large people in the world and it bothers me...maybe im just jealous of the fact that there are really people in the world that can truly say ..."I JUST DON'T CARE"...and really mean it...Yeah..dangerously close to death or not I respect the Fat man for his total disregard for society's norms...Go Freedom Train Go!