...From your fist cigarette to your last dying day...

(This one...The one you are reading now...But a day at the local swimming hole and 6 bottles of writers muse later I've decided to write it...so justa keepon reading)
This is: A post about other people, which I am in constant debate of, due in part to the fact that I don't want to you (my 3 consistent readers) to think that I've lost site of why you are reading and start thinking that I have begun ranting and raving about meaningless garbage that you have not had a hand in.
As a opposed to the meaningless garbage that fills the rest of my blog...
And the situation as it is sits like this:
For my entire life (thus far) I have noticed once constant among the cattle:
Example: You are hanging out with a gang of your friends and you notice another group of people walking your way, everyone's ears perk up, backs straighten, shoulders peek. Everyone makes eye contact with a member of the opposing group, and the group quiets slightly or entirely (unless one group is obliterated) This is also true of the opposing group which is walking towards your group..they will do almost the same thing, they will either widen out their positions, to increase the "size" of or if there are fewer in numbers than your group, may walk sightly closer, as to sub conscienceless yet conscientiously protect their "pack.."
And there always seems to be someone with in your group that has something to say about a member of the opposing random interlopers, after they pass by....just loud enough maybe to start some shit...this is the guy or girl in your group that you should kill right away...they will cause nothing but problems for your common group goals. It's also at this exact point that everyone thinks to themselves "why did we bring them?" But you don't kill them do you? You put up with their shit for another day/night for some unknown reason...
However IF every group did that, and followed through with the dispatching of the loud mouth girl or guy at the very moment they decided to put their pack in jeopardy, I think that the unspoken message "shut up and get along with people" would ripple through the world faster then Superman erased Lois Lanes memory...lucky superpower having bastard...