The 3rd Bowl of Porridge

I started to tell you about the day of perfect weather, or lack there of ( the weather that is) It went down like this..outside 10pm..feet up...I came to this conclusion about my enviromental surroundings...
Perfect weather, no wind no heat or cold or breeze like walking in an echo.
There was no wind, no cold, not to warm...perfect moisture sounds...
It was such a perfect feeling that I never wanted it to end, and I re-entered the house and went to sleep as soon as as I could, as not to lose that feeling. However the perfection of this left things in a state of unbalance...
This happened the other day..or evening that is...I about forgot about it, until it happend again just last night...this brought to mind a miraid of ideas that ended in one undisputible thought...the chain of events that brought me to the concept that must conclude, that the only thing to do on such a perfect day of the year, or days that is..would be that, the next time that perfect weather presents itself...I am going to get a brick and start a riot.